Saturday, May 25, 2024

Babies in the womb are human from fertilization photos

I am including some details from the medical textbook "From Conception to Birth: the drama of life's beginnings " by Landrum B. Shettles, MD,D SC, PhD and Roberts Rugh, PhD so readers/ viewers understand more completely.

I rephotographed photos from that book for teaching purposes and these photos are a small percentage of all photos in that textbookk, which I own because I bought it about 30 years ago. The Copyright for that book belongs to the authors and this is not intended to infringe upon that but to use the "fair use doctrine" for purposes of teaching the public. Teaching is the purpose of medical textbooks! My copyright is for my blog, my words, my art that is in previous posts of this and for all art I create, all words, blogs, poems, articles, essays I create.

Quotes from that book: "Every ...individual is a chance composite of two distinct lines of inheritance and is thus in every way unique and different from all other individuals...each child possesses a heritage from the past and is a link to the future...This privilege of life is to be cherished , guarded and nourished with all the modern resources, and knowledge available." And also this quote: " the history of man for nine months preceding his birth would probably be far more interesting and contain events of greater magnitude than all the threescore and ten years that follow it. " .From preface of book "From Conception to Birth".

Some medical facts from that same book"

The human brain contains more than 10Billion neurons [nerve cells].

Humans have 46 chromosones , 23 pairs of chromosones that include one set from the father and one set from the mother.

The chromosones contain the hereditary traits and the blueprint for creating the new baby humans.

"Cells sustain life by growing to twice their normal size, then splitting in half. this division known as mitosis, results in two cells which are identical to the parent cell in chromosones and every other way. " pg2 - 3 of book.

In the male sperm or female ova [egg] which are called "germ cells" resides all the genetic information to create whole new humans with trillions of cells of their own. Pg 3 of book.

"The entire blueprint for the construction of a [new] person is contained in the chromosones of the fertilized [female] egg cell". pg 3, book "From Conception to Birth.

"The process [of human development in the womb] is completely regulated--everything appearing in definite stages and stopping when it's supposed too. " pg 3, book.

"For the continuance of humankind #fertility is as important as life itself. " pg 5, book.

Women are fertiles about 30 years but men are fertile their entire lives. pg 5, book.

"A mature, healthy man produces more than 300 million active spermatozoa in each cubic centimeter [cc, milliliter] of of semem [mixture of sperm with other body fluids that he ejaculates at climax of sex act]. pg 6. Book

"If a man ejaculates fewer than 20 million sperm at a time he would for all practical purposes be sterile". pg 6, Book

Only one sperm is allowed to fertilize a human egg. pg 6, book,

"The first thing an #embryo does even before it begins to form vital organs is to set aside germ cells for the exclusive purpose of reproducing itself many years later. pg 6, Book

50 days after conception the human #embryo has external featureof his or her sex. Book

A female ovum [egg] measures 1/175" long and weighs 1/20,000,000 of an ounce, when released from the ovary". pg 7. Book.

The secondary sex characteristics [penis, testicles,epididymis and vas deferens, prostate in men; and uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina in women] arise in response to chemicals [hormones] released by the human as it develops. pg 7. Book.

At 50 days after conception the female #embryo's developing ovaries have about 600,000 primitive germ cells [ova] .By the end of the 5th month of #gestation those ova will have produced about 7 million oogonia [eggs]. The number of eggs is decreased with every menstrual cycle when she reaches #puberty. pg 8, Book.

Human spermatozoa masures 1/500' long which is mostly a long tail for simming to ova. The oval head of the sperm contains the nucleus and is the important structure in fertilization. The long, filamentous tai has the sole function of propelling the sperm to the egg.

Every woman has a biological clock with an average of 28 day cycle, called the estrous cycle [named after estrogen] or the menstrual cycle [named after the Latin word menses for month].

Ovulation is usually but not always on the 14th day of the cycle but can occur from day 10-day16 of cycle. pg 10. Book.,

The #human #egg as it leaves the ovary is surrounded by a protective envelope called the zona pellucida which is transparent . The human sperm must be strong enough to penetrate that sac around egg, and the sperm produces a chemical which helps. The zona pellucida vanishes a few days after fertilization and the fertilized egg is dividing and multiplying itself. pg 10. Book. ,

The primary oocyte [egg] leaves the ovary and changes begin to occur in the lining of the #uterus to create a nutritious, blood enriched place for the egg to nest [implant] if is fertilized with a sperm. If it is not fertilized the egg, and the extra blood is passed through the vagina [discarded by body] and the cycle begins again. Book.

The hormones that affect #human #reproduction are from the pituatary gland in the skull, and the thyroid,adrenal, mammary, ovaries, uterus, and vagina in the female.

Progesterone stimulates follicles of ovaries through the pituatary and inhibits LH [luteinizing hormone] and LTH [Luteotrophic hormone which acts on corpus luteum in ovary] production. Estrogen stimulates LH and LTH in pituatary and inhibits FSH [follicle stimulating hormone ] so ovulation is stopped during pregnancy. pg 11, book.

The corpus luteum of ovary secretes estrogen and progesterone.

The entire cluster of maturing ovum and surrounding cells form what isknown as the Graafian follicale. pg 12, Book.

If two ova are released simultaneously and both are fertilized the result in fraternal twins--siblings sharing the uterus but totally different beings.

Between the 10t ad 16th day of the woman's cycle the ovary [one of the other] releases an egg, called ovulation; and it is pulled into the Fallopian tube of that ovary by cilia which are hair-like projections at the opening of tube. pg 12. Book.

The ovum is propelled downward toward the uterus by muscular contractions of the fallopian tube . The Graafian follicle ruptures and fills with cells that secrete estrogen and progesterone to prepare the lining of the uterus for implantation of the ferilized egg and to prevent any further ovulation; and to signal breats to start preparing to create milk. pg 13. Book

Sperm are produced and mature at an average rate of 300 MILLION per day, and are influenced by Vitamin E. A deficiency of vitamin E may cause sterility in men. pg 13. Book.

Each spermatazoon has meager protoplasm so it has a short life span. pg 14. Book.

If ejaculation occurs before ovulation or too long after ovulation, the sperm dies . Sperm travels at one inch in 20 minutes. pg 19.Book.

The force of ejaculation propels the sperm through the cervix of the vagina and then through they migrate upward . Normally the female reproductive system is slightly acidic but at ovulation is becomes slightly alkaline because the sperm is markedly alkaline. pg 15. Book

A sperm has an average life of 48 hours inside the female. There is a 72 hour window of time for the sperm to penetrate the egg . pg 15. Book. ,

The first month after conception the #embryo grows 40-fold in length and 3000-fold in weight. The head, trunk, and rudiments of vital organs appear. At 17 days after fertilization the embryo forms blood cells and a heart 18 days after fertilization.The embryonic #heart begins a slow, iregular pulsation at 24 days after gestation. pg 17. book.

Changes in the womb are continuous, never stopping.

If a fertilized egg divides, the result is identical twins. Otherwise not another human being will be exactly like that one. pg 18.Book,

The penetrating sperm brings with it 1/2 of the hereditary genes to the new being. pg 19. book

When one mature sperm pushes through the zona pellucida with cooperation of the of the ovum, the egg rejects all other perm. The head of the sperm contains the father's 23 chromosones.

The nucleau of the egg containing 23 chromosones moves slowly toward the cente where it meets the nucleus of the perm containing the 23 chromosones and both shed their enclosing membranes . Within 12 hours they merge to form a fertilized ovum [egg] now called a zygote which has 23 pairs of chromosones [one set from each parent] and begins developing , doubling its DNA by a process called synthesis that is characteristic of all living beings and then splits itsle into two halves with each half having equal chromosones so each half is identical to the first egg. pg 21. book. ,

The first division of the egg takes 36 hours but then becomes faster and constant in a process called cleavage. pg 21 Book.

In every nucleus of every cell in a human are 46 chromosones , 23 from each parent. pg 21. Book

The process of multiplying DNA then halving into indentical cells is called mitosis and continues until about 800 BILLION cells are created. pg 23. Book

By day 3 after feetilization there are 16-32 identical cells and by day 14 there are 60-70 identical cells and they continue to form a sphere called a morula that resembles a mulberry . On day 3 the morula moves and forms an embryonic disc called the blastoderm. pg 24. Book

The medical word "fetus" means a baby in the uterus that is 5 or more weeks after conception. pg 24. Book.

The auxiliary parts that play an important role in embryonic development are: chorion; placenta; amnion [bag of water] ; yolk sac, but they are not part of the physical body of the developing baby. pg 25. Book

The balstoderm has 2 distinct parts: ectoderm and endoderm. the ectoderm develops into the brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs and skin. The endoderm develops the lining of the digestive tract , pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, intestines. Pg 25. Book

About 7-9 days after fertilization the embryo that has hundreds of cells by then attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, burrowing down into the soft, prepared nest. Changes occur quickly then as the blood vessels of the uterus engorge with blood and the glands begin secreting the hormones that trigger the process of developing new human shape and form and all of its parts and limbs. One week after fertilization the new human is 1/1oo of an inch long. pg 27. Book,

I am writing here what I reread in the textbook I own so that all can understand human development. I am only writing for the time being the fisrt month of development in the womb [uterus] because that is the most dangerous time for the tiny #baby #human as there are predatory ungodly groups that prey on the blood, cells, tissues, hormones of the tiniest humans. There is a shadow government in these United States that is trying to zero out the human race based upon the ungodly goals of the United Nations written decades ago as the master plan to return the earth to the animals. I am posting this because I feel the need is urgent for all good people in these United States and the world to actively oppose the premeditated slaughter of tiny humans. #savethebabyhumans has to become job number 1 in this country if US is to survive. #Realwomenhavebabies has to become one of the goals the taxpayer supported schools have to promote if the U S is to continue.

Any society or civilization that preys upon and annihilates its upcoing generations has no future.

It is written ; "THY hands [O LORD GOD] have made me and fashoned me; give me understanding that I may learn Thy Commandments. " Psalms 119:73, KJV.

"Thou shalt not kill", Exodus 20:13, KJV

I have other blogs I create one by one also and they are unique with different content and anyone may view/read them and I urge you too. They are:,,,,,

#babies #womb #uterus #umbilicalcord #pregnancy #placenta #humandevelopment #photos #medicalimaging #antiabortion #endabortion Posted today 25May 2024 at 7:27am by me #Gloria Poole,Registered #Nurse, #artist, white, unmarried [twice divorced] woman, U S citizen by birth, Republic Missouri[ #RepMO] from my own apartment using my own internet I pay for, and my computer/equipment/book/smartphones/skills, as usual.