I , Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / Gloria, am a Registered Nurse who worked 26 years in a variety of acute care hospitals and on several units including
Med-Surg, Operating Room; Shock-Trauma ; Dialysis; Emergency Department and was Administrative Supervisor of a Trauma-designated hospital. I am qualifed to write on the issues of the public's health. This is going to be a long read because there are several issues I want to include in depth.
First I want to remind all humans that the premeditated murders of humans is illegal in the "United" States [which are almost evenly divided into those opposed to killing of human babies in the womb and those who insist that killing of babies is a so-called "right". ] The solution to end mass murders in the womb and in the schools is to teach The Commandments of God including "thou shalt not kill" as written in Exodus 20:13, KJV. There is no such right in the U S Constitution nor in the Amendments that is the "right to kill children"nor the "right to kill babies" nor the "right to kill offpsring"nor the "right to kill unwanted humans". It is medical fact that humans reproduce humans. That is labeled the "law of the species". It is also medical fact that humans in the womb when they procreate, use human sperm and human eggs, which combine in the sex act to form a new human. Humans in the womb are human from the get-go! They don't become human at some point down the road of gestation. They are HUMAN because that is all they can be-- they are created by 2 HUMANS, male and female humans.
I am continuing my efforts to influence the U S Supreme Court to totally undo the heinous Roe v Wade falsely decided decision and make the United States a safe sanctuary for innocent defenseless,tiniest humans, i.e. those in the womb and those in elementary [or any level] schools.
Other topics I want to include here today are preventing salmonella in food; avoiding heat related illnesses and preventing lung cancer induced by smoking, microplastics in atmosphere, and W.H.O questions covid origin and pesticides. I will include research info to make it simple and straight forward and the sources so readers can look up and read for themselves the rest of the reports/news.
I. Preventing Salmonella:
Preventing Salmonella on chickens:
w/ quote: "The CD"[Center for Disease Control] is offering the following advice to people with backyard flocks:
* Wash your hands!
* Always wash your hands with soap and water immediately after touching backyard poultry, their eggs, or anything in the area where they live and roam.
* Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available. Consider having hand sanitizer at your coop.
* Be safe around backyard flocks
* Don’t kiss or snuggle backyard poultry, and don’t eat or drink around them. This can spread salmonella germs to your mouth and make you sick.
* Keep your backyard flock and supplies you use to care for them (like feed containers and shoes you wear in the coop) outside of the house. You should also clean the supplies outside the house.
* Supervise kids around flocks
* Always supervise children around backyard poultry and make sure they wash their hands properly afterward.
* Don’t let children younger than 5 years touch chicks, ducklings, or other backyard poultry. Young children are more likely to get sick from germs like salmonella.
* Handle eggs safely
* Collect eggs often. Eggs that sit in the nest can become dirty or break.
* Throw away cracked eggs. Germs on the shell can more easily enter the egg through a cracked shell.
* Rub off dirt on eggs with fine sandpaper, a brush, or a cloth. Don’t wash eggs because colder water can pull germs into the egg.
* Refrigerate eggs to keep them fresh and slow the growth of germs.
* Cook eggs until both the yolk and white are firm, and cook egg dishes to an internal temperature of 160°F to kill all germs.
Individuals with a fever higher than 102 degrees, those who have had diarrhea for more than three days, bloody diarrhea, or vomiting should contact a doctor.
... The CDC says such outbreaks aren’t uncommon, and often coincide with the spring, when people buy baby poultry.
In 2021, the CDC recorded 1,135 cases of salmonella caused by contact with backyard poultry.
People with questions about local outbreaks are encouraged to contact their state’s health department.
II. Preventing heat related illnesses:
Learn the symptoms and act quickly to get into cool down situatuion.
Quote: "
Heat exhaustion is the body's response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating."
Heat exhaustion is most likely to affect: The very young and the elderly.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
* Headache.
* Nausea.
* Dizziness.
* Weakness.
* Irritability.
* Thirst.
* Heavy sweating.
* Elevated body temperature.
Source : Heat Stress Related Illness | NIOSH - CDC
per Google search. 11June 2022;7:13am
You or someone else have any signs of heatstroke:
* feeling unwell after 30 minutes of resting in a cool place and drinking plenty of water.
* not sweating even while feeling too hot.
* a high temperature of 40C or above.
* fast breathing or shortness of breath.
* feeling confused.
* a fit (seizure)
* loss of consciousness.
* not responsive.
Source: Heat exhaustion and heatstroke - NHS [National Health Service, U.K.
per Google search, 11June2022;7:14am
III. Preventing Lung Cancer induced by smoking:
Learn the symptoms:
The main symptoms of lung cancer include:
* a cough that doesn't go away after 2 or 3 weeks.
* a long-standing cough that gets worse.
* chest infections that keep coming back.
* coughing up blood.
* an ache or pain when breathing or coughing.
* persistent breathlessness.
* persistent tiredness or lack of energy."
* Google search; 11june2022;7:42am
[Pubmed : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}
This research is prompted today by article in the BBC about Canada's plan to la be each cigarette as deadly:
Article snippets:
"Canada's government is proposing putting health warnings on individual cigarettes
in what would be a world-first way of tackling the habit.
Mental Health and Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett said she hoped the measure would help reach more people.
She said the key target were young people who often access cigarettes "in social situations sidestepping the information printed on a package"....
"These are deadly products, and these measures will help to further reduce their appeal to youth and non-smokers,
as well as to support current smokers in their efforts to quit."...
Tobacco use is still the leading preventable cause of illness and premature death in the country with the population of more than 38 million."
I researched that subject:[Quote; and numbers after sentences are footnotes to research in article, put here to help you}
" " Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the U.S. In 1987, it surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer deaths in women.1
* An estimated 154,050 Americans are expected to die from lung cancer in 2018, accounting for approximately 25 percent of all cancer deaths.2
* The number of deaths caused by lung cancer peaked at 159,292 in 2005 and has since decreased by 6.5 percent to 148,945 in 2016.1
* The age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer is higher for men (46.7 per 100,000 persons) than for women (31.9 per 100,000 persons). It is similar for blacks (40.0 per 100,000 persons) and whites (39.2 per 100,000 persons) overall. However, black men have a far higher age-adjusted lung cancer death rate than white men, while black and white women have similar rates.1...
* Approximately 541,000 Americans living today have been diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lives.3
* During 2018, an estimated 234,030 new cases of lung cancer were expected to be diagnosed, representing about 13 percent of all cancer diagnoses.2
* The majority of living lung cancer patients have been diagnosed within the last five years. Lung cancer is mostly a disease of the elderly. In 2015, 86 percent of those living with lung cancer were 60 years of age or older...
* Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, accounting for 2.1 million new cases and 1.8 million deaths in 2018.5
The National Institutes of Health estimate that cancer care cost the U.S. an overall $147.5 billion in 2015, $13.4 billion of which is due to lung cancer. Lost productivity due to early death from cancer lead to an additional $134.8 billion in 2005, $36.1 billion of which was caused by lung cancer."...
* The lung cancer five-year survival rate (18.6 percent) is lower than many other leading cancer sites, such as colorectal (64.5 percent), breast (89.6 percent) and prostate (98.2 percent).3
* The five-year survival rate for lung cancer is 56 percent for cases detected when the disease is still localized (within the lungs). However, only 16 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage. For distant tumors (spread to other organs) the five-year survival rate is only 5 percent.3...
* Smoking, a main cause of small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men, respectively. Men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Women are 13 times more likely, compared to never smokers.11
* Between 2005 and 2010, an average of 130,659 Americans (74,300 men and 56,359 women) died of smoking-attributable lung cancer each year. Exposure to secondhand smoke causes approximately 7,330 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers every year.12
* Nonsmokers have a 20 to 30 percent greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work.13
More than half of people with lung cancer die within one year of being diagnosed.3"
which references this research:
And another resource:https://www.lung.org/getmedia/ee16997d-52d9-4d05-a967-ddf90d209922/lc-trend-report.pdf.pdf;
and more on subject:
e-cigs are harmful too:
"the potential cancer-related effects of increased activation of the sympathoadrenal system induced by the inhalation of nicotine,
the primary component of the e-cigarettes, are completely overlooked. Therefore, the aim of this review is to describe mechanisms
that may connect the use of e-cigarettes and an increased risk for cancer development, as well as their stimulatory effect on cancer progression.
Available preclinical data indicate that activation of the sympathetic nervous system by nicotine inhaled from e-cigarettes
may stimulate cancer development and growth by several mechanisms.
This issue might be especially important for oncological patients as they may have the misconception that compared with combustible cigarettes,
e-cigarettes represent a risk-free alternative."
and more: cigarettes cause more than lung cancer
[Quote:] " Despite numerous studies on the mechanisms of cigarette smoking toxicity over the past three decades,
some aspects remain obscure. Recent developments have drawn attention to some hopeful indicators that
allow us to advance our awareness of cigarette-induced cell death.
Ferroptosis is considered a type of governed death of cells distinguished by the iron-dependent lipid hydroperoxide deposition
to fatal concentrations.
Ferroptosis has been linked with pathological settings such as neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, heart attack, hemorrhagic stroke,
traumatic brain injury, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and renal dysfunction.
This review tries to explain the causal role of ferroptosis cascade in cigarette smoke-mediated toxicity and cell death,
highlighting associations on potential action mechanisms and proposing suggestions for its detoxifying
and therapeutic interventions."
And more: [Quote] " Background: Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is the most common and lethal subtype of lung cancer.
Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent form of regulated cell death, has emerged as a target in cancer therapy.
However, the prognostic value of ferroptosis-related genes (FRGs)x in LUAD remains to be explored...
Conclusion: Our study unearthed a novel ferroptosis-related gene signature for predicting the prognosis of LUAD,
and the signature may provide useful prognostic biomarkers and potential treatment targets."
Read entire studies since I am quoting from abstracts.
And [Quote} ; " Tobacco smoking causes DNA damages in epithelial cells and immune dysfunction in the lung,
which collectively contribute to lung carcinogenesis and progression. However, potential mechanisms
by which tumor-infiltrating immune cells contribute to lung cancer survival and their differential contributions
in ever-smokers and never-smokers are not well studied...
Distinct pathways were altered in lung carcinogenesis in ever-smokers and never-smokers.
Never-smoker patients had a better outcome than ever-smoker patients.
We characterized compositional patterns of 21 types of immune cells in lung adenocarcinomas and revealed the complex association between immune cell composition and clinical outcomes. Interestingly, we found two subsets of immune cells, mast cells and CD4+ memory T cells,
which had completely opposite associations with outcomes in resting and activated status.
We further discovered that several chemokines and their associated receptors (e.g., CXCL11-CX3CR1 axis) were selectively
altered in lung tumors in response to cigarette smoking and their abundances showed stronger correlation with fractions
of these immune subsets in ever-smokers than never-smokers. The status switched from the resting to activated forms in mast cells
and CD4+ memory T cells might manifest some important processes induced by cigarette smoking during tumor development and progression.
Our findings suggested that aberrant activation of mast cells and CD4+ memory T cells plays
crucial roles in cigarette smoking-induced immune dysfunction in the lung, which contributes to tumor development and progression."
More; [quote] " Epidemiological data indicate that in females cigarette smoking exerts antiestrogenic effects that manifest clinically
in an increased incidence of osteoporosis, earlier menopause, increased spot bleeding, .."
A. What constitutes tobacco use?
"Since any tobacco product is counted, this includes e-cigarettes and vaping,7
as well as traditional cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and pipe smoking."
B. What are the disincentives to smoke?
1. "What is the FDA currently doing about e-cigarettes?
Under a policy finalized in 2016, new e-cigarettes cannot be sold in the U.S. until their makers prove to the FDA that their products do more good than harm to public health.Mar 11, 2022"
from Google search; 11June2022;7:37am
2) U S insurers can charge much higher premiums to smokers:
" In most states, yes. Generally, an insurer can charge as much as 50% more for a person who uses tobacco products. For example, if the premium for somebody your age (before any tax credits are applied) would otherwise be $200 per month, if you are a tobacco user your premium could be increased to $300 per month."
from google search; 11 june 2022
3. Educating young children not to smoke:
[ Quote] "Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. The majority of daily smokers (82%) began smoking before 18 years of age, and more than 3,000 young persons begin smoking each day. School programs designed to prevent tobacco use could become one of the most effective strategies available to reduce tobacco use in the United States. The following guidelines summarize school-based strategies most likely to be effective in preventing tobacco use among youth. They were developed by CDC in collaboration with experts from 29 national, federal, and voluntary agencies and with other leading authorities in the field of tobacco-use prevention to help school personnel implement effective tobacco-use prevention programs. These guidelines are based on an in-depth review of research, theory, and current practice in the area of school-based tobacco-use prevention. The guidelines recommend that all schools a) develop and enforce a school policy on tobacco use, b) provide instruction about the short- and long-term negative physiologic and social consequences of tobacco use, social influences on tobacco use, peer norms regarding tobacco use, and refusal skills, c) provide tobacco-use prevention education in kindergarten through 12th grade, d) provide program-specific training for teachers, e) involve parents or families in support of school-based programs to prevent tobacco use, f) support cessation efforts among students and all school staff who use tobacco, and g) assess the tobacco-use prevention program at regular intervals.
Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States (1). Illnesses caused by tobacco use increase demands on the U.S. health-care system; lost productivity amounts to billions of dollars annually (2-3).
Because four out of every five persons who use tobacco begin before they reach adulthood (1), tobacco-prevention activities should focus on school-age children and adolescents. Evidence suggests that school health programs can be an effective means of preventing tobacco use among youth (4-7). The guidelines in this report have been developed to help school personnel plan, implement, and assess educational programs and school policies to prevent tobacco use and the unnecessary addiction, disease, and death tobacco use causes. Although these guidelines address school programs for kindergarten through 12th grade, persons working with youth in other settings also may find the guidelines useful....
CDC developed these guidelines in consultation with experts representing the following organizations:
American Academy of Pediatrics American Association of School Administrators American Cancer Society American Federation of Teachers American Heart Association American Lung Association American Medical Association Association of State and Territorial Directors of Public Health Education Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Council of Chief State School Officers Health Resources and Services Administration Indian Health Service National Association of School Nurses National Association of Secondary School Principals National Association of State Boards of Education National Cancer Institute National Center for Nursing Research National Congress of Parents and Teachers National Education Association National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National School Boards Association National School Health Education Coalition Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Office of Minority Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration The Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation U.S. Department of Education Western Consortium for Public Health..."
4. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00026213.htm';
5. 11Jun2022;7:45am
IV. Research into origin of covid virus is needed says World Health organization.
W.H.O. questioning if covid was lab induced in Wuhan:
Quote :
"Over two years after the coronavirus was first detected in China, and after at least 6.3 million deaths have been counted
worldwide from the pandemic, the World Health Organization is recommending in its strongest terms yet that a deeper probe
is required into whether a lab accident may be to blame....
“Tragically, the Chinese government is still refusing to share essential raw data and will not allow the necessary,
full audit of the Wuhan labs,” he said. “Gaining access to this information is critical to both understanding
how this pandemic began and preventing future pandemics.”
In Washington, a Republican-led subcommittee in the House of Representatives on the COVID-19 pandemic tweeted:
“Americans were smeared as ‘conspiracy theorists’ for asking whether #COVID19 came from a lab leak.
Now, the WHO is asking the same questions.”
“WE NEED ANSWERS,” added the committee, which is headed by Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana.
WHO’s expert scientists said numerous avenues of research were needed, including studies evaluating the role of wild animals,
and environmental studies in places where the virus might have first spread, like the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan."
V. Microplastics in news snow indicates solutions neeeded.
Quote :
"Scientists have for the first time found microplastics in freshly fallen Antarctic snow.
Researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand collected samples from 19 sites in Antarctica and
each contained tiny plastic fragments.
Microplastics stem from the erosion of plastic materials and are smaller than a grain of rice -
sometimes even invisible to the naked eye.
The researchers found an average of 29 particles per litre of melted snow....
"The most likely source of these airborne microplastics is local scientific research stations,"
researcher Alex Aves wrote in the journal, Cryosphere.
"However, modelling shows their origin could have been up to 6,000km (3,700 miles) away."...
Experts also say humans inhale and ingest microplastics via air, water and food.
Not much research has been done on their impact on human health, but one study by
the Hull York Medical School and the University of Hull last year found that high levels
of ingested microplastics in the human body have the potential to cause harmful effects,
including cell death and allergic reactions...."
[My comment: the facilities that shred/recycle plastics of any sort should have filters on theirs pipes
to the outside air to catch any shredded microplastics in the air.]
VI. Pesticides
Gloria Poole, drew/painted/signed/photographed/uploaded/posted this drawing of a crop duster airplane, using a photo as reference, to remind the world, that many farmers spray certain crops with pesticides. The U S govt publishes Fact Sheets on each pesticide and because I have made this post so long I am not including fact sheets on pesticides in this post. But just so you know they exist which give the chemical formulas of pesticides, the risks to humans, the symptoms of poisoning, and the antidotes. Copyright as below.
For the record, I have other blogs that include art I create, words/poems/posts I write, drawings I draw, sketches I draw and paint and political intervention hopefully blogs, and I write/create them one by one, for a specific purpose at the time. You can see/read them of course at:
https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com; which includes my ideas for ending school murders;
https://lifes-entertainment.blogspot.com; also a public servicem blog for family entertainment
https://glorias_writing.medium.com; my blog on investing, economics

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,RN,artist/ gloriapoole/ Gloria/ gloria0817/gpoole817/Ms Gloria Poole/ "Poole,Gloria"/ gloria.poole/ gloria_poole/gloria-poole/; year 2022; Springfield Missouri. Copyright.
My hand written copyright for all blogs/art/words/I create at any time in any place for any reason. Copyright Notice: all copyrights in U S, U K and E U law belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole. Viewers/readers may not reproduce my art, or words or selfies or photos in any form or via any platform/electronic medium nor represent my content as being theirs.
Note for FBI: criminal hackers stole identities of my entire family. They have broken into my Apple iMac and stolen hundreds of my family photos off it, that I photographed myself with my big camera and or my smartphones. The U S has a pandemic of stolen identities as a result of broken internet and unsafe businesses'isp accounts that are not secured because business owners steal from their rent-paying tenants. My grandchildren are white and so am I. My real born with name is Gloria Poole and I am a U S citizen born in state of Georgia, and all smartphones/computers/tablet/cell phone [my Amazon tablet was stolen from my apartment by someone who had the apartment complex's owners key, and I discovered that this past week] but I have other equipment thanks to my careful planning and purchases. Discriminating against prolife nurses and white women is illegal in the U S. FBI, please stop identity thefts and bank frauds of i.d. thieves and stop break-ins to my apartment. I am the only tenant and only occupant of this Springfield Missouri apartment.
Posted today by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse/ artist/writer/author/cartoonist/prolife advocate/republican/Christian/white/unmarried/woman, from m own apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own computer/router/keyboard/skills/research and name, as usual. Gloria Poole is my born with name and my professional name for most of my nursing career.